1. Many teenage girls sleep with guys because they are trying to find love, to find self-worth. But the catch is that the more guys they sleep with, the less self-worth they had.
2. Many girls think that if they really care about guys, s’εx will bring them closer together. Indeed, sεx creates a bond. However, 80 percent of the time, the physical int!macy of first sεxμal relationship won’t last more than six months.
3. Couples who want what is best for their relationship or future marriage will have the patience to wait.
4. Most of the time, when a girl gives away her virg!nity, she assumes the relationship will last forever. But study of more than 10,000 women shows that when a girl loses her virg!nity at that age at 14, she’ll probably have about thirteen more lifetime sεxμal partners.
5. Teen s’εx frequently causes tension within families because of the dishonesty that usually accompanies the hidden int!macies. Relationships with friends are often strained, and when things turn sour, the gossip and social problems often become unbearable.
6. Everyone talks about how hard it is to say no to s’εx, but no one tells you how hard it is when you say yes.
7. It is dangerous for a teenage girl to be sεxμally active. Because a teenage girl’s reproductive system is still immature, she is very susceptible to sεxμally transmitted diseases.
8. In fact, early sεxμal activity is the number one risk factor for cervical cancer, and the second is multiple sεxμal partners. A girl’s body, like her heart, is not designed to handle multiple sεxμal partners.
9.While a girl might plan on slεεping with only one guy, she could be exposing herself to the STDs of hundreds of people through a single act of intεrcoμrsε. Here’s how: Scientists studied the sεxμal activity of a public high school of about one thousand students. About half (573) of the students had been sεxμally active, and most of them had only been with one partner. However, when the scientists tracked the web of sεxμal activity among the students, it was discovered that more than half of the sεxμally active teens—without knowing it were linked together in a network of 288 partners within the school! So if a girl slept with a guy from this school, theoretically she could be in bεd with one-fourth of the entire student body.
10. The emotional side effects of premarital s’εx are also damaging to a young woman. One of the most common consequences of teenage sεxμal activity is depression. Girls who are sεxμally active are more than three times as likely to be depressed as girls who are abstinent. In fact, the condition has become so predictable that the Journal of Preventive Medicine recommends to doctors: “[Girls who are engaging in] sεxμal intεrcoμrsε should be screened for depression, and provided with anticipatory guidance about the mental health risks of these behaviours. ”Even if a girl experiments with s’εx once, research shows an increased risk of depression. Also, consider the fact that the rate of suicide attempts for sεxμally active girls (aged twelve to sixteen) is six times higher than the rate for virg!ns.
11. Unfortunately, many young women search for meaning only in relationships with guys, instead of with God. It is not uncommon for a girl to have s’εx in order to make a guy like her more or to encourage him to stay with her. She may compromise her standards because she is afraid of never being loved. Once he leaves her, though, an emotional divorce takes place. A person’s heart is not made to be that close to a person and then separated.
12. Since teenage sεxμal relationships rarely last, the girl’s sense of self-worth is often damaged. She may conclude that if she looked better, he would have stayed longer. This mentality can lead to harmful practices, such as eating disorders. Or the disappointment she feels may drive her into a state of self-hatred. Some young women even begin to hurt their own bodies in an attempt to numb the emotional pain. Such practices neve
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