Even women who haven’t prostituted themselves
can exhibit these traits below. Technically they
may not be prostitutes, but they still have a
prostitute’s mind set. Essentially, they prostitute
themselves to their boyfriends or lovers for a
period of time, as long as these men can afford
them. This has led to the coinage of the term
‘retired prostitution’ to such relationships where
men are essentially indirectly paying for s*x.
So here are some signs you must observe:-
1. She’s obsessed about money and excessively
The classic prostitute mind set: she talks money,
thinks money, eats money, sleeps money. This
woman can easily be seduced with offers of
money, and sometimes even asks for it. She never
refuses offers of cash gifts. Money will open her
legs and give her gina tingles faster than any
other thing.
2. She makes it a routine to request for
something (maybe monetary) before giving you
This type of girls are so cunning in their dealing,
when they first starts a date with a potential
costumer, they will give you frequent great s*x
(they are very good in bed) without requesting
anything in return at least for a week or less.
When she has succeeded in blowing off your mind
in bed ( that period you starts behaving like a
small pikin) ,then gradually she reduce the fun
( to make you beg for it) to a reluctant
transactional chore she performs for you only
when you have done something for her first
(usually something of monetary value). s*x now
becomes a reward in the relationship.
3. She frequently uses the word Ashawo, slut and
w***e to describe her friends or women she
doesn’t like:
If you have been to a brothel and observe where
prostitutes quarrel or fight, one word you always
hear them call themselves is “Ashawo” . This is
because what they does in their life relives in their
mind. She’s simply projecting onto others what
she has done and been called before by others.
4 . She openly tells you she doesn’t trust her
friends around you , but still doesn’t want to
leave them:
Birds of same feathers flies together. She gets
upset and paranoid(ask a lot of questions)
anytime you tell her you met one of her
girlfriends. She is only trying to protect her money
making machine from her fellow tigers (they are
all in same business). To her friends she will be
like “go get your own maga Dam”.
5. She boasts and prides herself of her sexual
skills and how men are attracted to her and also
she is openly jealous of beautiful women:
She knew that the only thing she is good at is
s*x, and she will always brag about it , like how
all her ex are still calling and begging her because
of it. She says all this to upgrade her low self
esteem and to make you feel jealous of losing her
while she milks you dry. If you are observant
enough you will also notice her envy against
younger and more beautiful women whom she
tries to demean.
Culled from Tiwasblog
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